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Lab News


Fusarium goes bananas

Congratulations to Yong Zhang! We are proud to announce that one of Yong’s PhD research projects is published in Nature microbiology. The work studies Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 (TR4) represents a major threat for both the global banana trade and for food security. As summarized by the journal Senior editor Francois Mayer that “What makes this current work stand out is that it explores the genetic diversity between different F. oxysporum strains and reveals that TR4 accessory genes are enriched for virulence and mitochondrion-related functions.” The collaborative work involves experts from US, China and South Africa.


Ma Lab Postdoc Kelly Allen attends the Sainsbury Lab Summer Conference

The Ma Lab’s postdoctoral researcher was among twenty early career researchers selected to participate in The Sainsbury Laboratory Summer Conference for Plant-Microbe Interactions ( As a delegate, Kelly attended seminars and lab practicals led by esteemed TSL Scientists and their research groups, as well as daily keynote lectures from invited leaders in the field. Kelly presented her research on the basil downy mildew pathogen Peronospora belbahrii and the evolution of new race(s), which drives current efforts to breed improved basil cultivars with more sources of genetic disease resistance. You can read more about this multi-institutional USDA-funded research here: We thank the IALS Models to Medicine Center Plant and Microbial Innovation team ( and the Office of Professional Development ( for financial support for this opportunity through their Postdoctoral Professional Development Small Grants Programs!

UMass Fusarium Lab highlights researches at 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference


On March 12-17, the UMass Fusarium Lab, headed by Li-Jun Ma, joined the 32nd Fungal Genetics Conference at Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, California. Among the highlights of the event were the Fusarium workshop, plenary session, and poster sessions, where participants were able to connect and network with global leaders in fungal sciences. Madison Newman and Gengtan Li orally presented their works at the Fusarium Workshop, joining Domingo Martinez Soto, Siyuan Wu, Harun Cerzeki, Joni Campilan, and Mladen Petres at the poster presentation.

Li-Jun presents first lecture in Novi Sad, Serbia

As a Fulbright Scholar, Li-Jun presented her first public lecture entitled “Why Genomics” to a an engaging audience at the University of Novi Sad on February 12, 2024. Using her own career experience, Li-Jun illustrated the power of genomics in answering fundamental biological questions and solving some practical issues related to agricultural practices.

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Maeve joins Ma Lab for Summer 2023 Research

Maeve Doherty, who is currently a senior in Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School, completed her 2023 summer fellowship under joint mentorship in the Rao Lab and Ma Lab. During her time in the Ma Lab, she was working with graduate student Melanie Wu to optimize high throughput fungal cell viability assay as a tool to characterize safer antifungal drug delivery to combat Fusarium infection in human. 

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Houlin successfully defends PhD Dissertation:

A Glimpse into the Stars

Dr. Houlin Yu successfully defended his PhD Dissertation for the degree PhD in Plant Biology. His oral presentation on Uncovering transcriptomics responses and regulations during Fusarium oxysporum - plant interactions was held in Life Sciences Laboratory on June 29, 2023. In his talk, Houlin exemplify the power of transcriptomics and single cell RNA-seq in elucidating plant responses and Fusarium mechanism during infection. He concluded his talk, fondly recalling how the stars mirrored his wonder in the world of bioinformatics.


Li-Jun awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award

PI Li-Jun Ma is one of the seven UMass Amherst faculty, researchers and administrators to receive prestigious Fulbright U.S. Scholar Awards for the 2023-2024 academic year. Li-Jun will be working with researchers at University of Novi Sad in Serbia to address an emerging apple rot disease.



Melanie Attends Annual Conference for Chinese Antibody Society

Melanie is a volunteer at the Chinese Antibody Society, a nonprofit organization with focus on therapeutic antibodies. She is currently the design team lead and helped organize and attended the 2023 Annual Conference in Cambridge, MA, titled "Post COVID-19 Pandemic: New Frontiers and Opportunities of Antibody-based biologics".



Cecilia presents FOSC PARP Poster at

#DiscoverBMB Conference



Cecelia attended the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’s #DiscoverBMB Conference in March 2023. She presented her poster, “Unique Expansion of PARP Family Proteins in the Fusarium oxysporum species complex” in the undergraduate poster competition and at a general poster. poster session.

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